Redesign the Web application layout according to the WebStandards good practices, in order to be compatible with the following browsers: Internet Explorer; Mozilla Firefox; Apple Safari and Google Chrome.
Application to manage the entrance and exit of vehicles from a parking lot. BackOffice registration of vehicles. Printing of cards for the use of vehicles with their codes.
Stock management for hazardous chemical material. The project consisted in storing the entry and exit of chemicals by bar codes. With this application it would be possible to know which dangerous chemical products that were inside the institute
Application developed for people with motor and visual disabilities. The Ecoshop has interaction from a large and tactile screen. The application registers the material that customers deposit in the ecopoints, offering cumulative points for a card worth.
The implemented implementation has most of the flows directly integrated with SAP. Unicer has a web front end for approval and historical queries with the ERP. Agility to approve or reject an instance from a mobile device allows a significant reduction in the user interaction workflow time. The application allows you to create reports and collect statistics on the average time of each flow, which results in a continuous improvement of the business workflow.